April 8, 2024
The regular meeting of the Palmer Township Board was called to order at 7:00 p.m. at the Palmer Township Hall, with Chairman Ganz, Supervisor Demeules, and Supervisor Wipper present. Also, present was Amy Bragelman Township Clerk. Roger Johnson Treasurer joined via Zoom. The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Treasurer’s Report: Roger Johnson read the balances from the Treasurer's report. Supervisor Demeules made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report. Supervisor Wipper seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Sheriff’s Report: Capitan Ben Zawacki read the Sheriff’s report for the month of March. 87 Total calls for service as compared to 91 calls for service in 2023. Zawacki stated that it was a quiet month a few things that stuck out to him were 1 theft of internet wire, harassment that was a neighbor dispute, a motorcycle crash, the driver was intoxicated and taken into custody, 1 suspicious vehicle, 2 fires one was a grass fire, and 1 fraud attempt.
Road Maintenance/Signs: Chairman Ganz reported that he and Supervisor Wipper went and took a look at a patch of road that a resident was concerned about at last month's meeting. They determined that it wasn’t a pothole but a thin spot in the road. Supervisor Wipper got a bid to mill and overlay the patch that came back at 4,500. Not sure if that is something we can do this year. There are many other roads in greater need. Supervisor Demeules got a quote for a traffic counter. This will be used to assess the amount of traffic a particular road gets and will help determine the urgency of which roads get attention first. The traffic counter will cost $584.00 the battery lasts up to 5 years. Supervisor Demeules made a motion to purchase the Diamond Traffic counter, Supervisor Wipper seconded and the motion was carried. Supervisor Wipper got quotes from Diversified Paving for work that needs to be done on the corner by Lonnie’s, a through road and a low spot by Stanger’s, and 109th and 44th that total was 27,088.00. He will reach out to Knife River for a quote with them. Supervisor Demeules reported on the Culvert on 42nd. They are finishing up the design plans, and the application, permits, and bidding should all be done later this week. This is a project that is scheduled to be done this year. The road tour will be done on April 16th after the Truth and Taxation meeting. Chairman Ganz reported that if you have concerns about roads or anything you would like the Supervisors to look at call or email the Township and they will look at it.
Fire Department: Chief Koren reported for February and March. The monthly call report for 2/12/24 -03/11/24. There was a total of 19 calls for the Clear Lake Fire Department. 7 of those calls were for Palmer Township, 6 being medical, 1 fire, and 0 auto accidents. The monthly call report for 3/11/24 -04/08/24. There was a total of 17 calls for the Clear Lake Fire Department. 8 of those calls were for Palmer Township, 7 being medical, 0 fires, 0 auto accidents, and 1 other.
P.E.C: We are all set for clean-up day which will be held on May 18th from 7 am to noon.
Park Report: Chairman Ganz reported for the park committee. They met last Thursday and discussed putting in a pitch ball field where the tennis courts used to be. That bid came out to 10 to 12 thousand dollars. Chairman Ganz made a motion to move forward with the ball field and Supervisor Demeules seconded the motion was passed. Supervisor Wipper went over several quotes for the pickleball and tennis court. The most inexpensive coming in at around 110 thousand. Much of the discussion from residents was concerned about the size of the courts being 62x185 feet. The Committee will see what kinds of funds they can come up with from other entities and get back to the Township. The disc golf course is 90% completed. Supervisor Wipper will be at the park to finish cleaning up stumps and sticks before Mitch Hoefer starts mowing. Hoefer reminded Supervisor Wipper that a water tank at the park needs to be removed before the park start-up happens. Chairman Ganz Spoke with Sherif Brott about the sentence to serve and received an email stating that they are very limited on their hours for sentence to serve. Traut will be out May 7th to turn on the water.
Tow Inlets: Supervisor Demeules reported that Minnesota Land Trust and the Moorhouse family have come to a purchasing agreement. The logo is close to being finalized. Planting will start soon. Decommissioning on 11 buildings has been awarded to the same contractor who got Phase 1. They would like you to park on the East side of the park and there is a leash law in effect at the Two Inlet Park. All animals must be leashed, no longer than 6ft. Supervisor Demeules reminded the resident that Palmer also has a leash law.
Lake Association: Shelly Alger-Peyton reported that they haven’t had their meeting this month yet, so there is nothing new to report. The BLCA will meet this Saturday at 8:30 am.
Approval of Minutes: Supervisor Demeules made a motion to approve the March minutes Supervisor Wipper seconded it and the motion carried.
NEW BUSINESS: Reorganization: Supervisor Demeules nominated Mike Ganz to remain the Chair, and Supervisor Wipper seconded. Supervisor Wipper made a motion to approve the Levy at 4% Supervisor Demeules seconded. The supervisor discussed wages. Wages stayed the same for supervisors at $22 an hour, Clerk and Treasures increased to $20.00 an hour, and Treasure Roger Johnson went from $400 a month salary to 40 dollars an hour up to 10 hours. Maintenance went up to 19.50, cleaning stayed at $16.00, and Head judge went to $19.50, Election judges went to $17.00. Meeting rates stayed the same. The motion was made by Supervisor Wipper and Seconded by Supervisor Demeules. Mike made a motion that Gopher stays at $3.00 and the County reimbursement is at 1 dollar Supervisor Demeules seconded and the motion was carried. Chairman Ganz made a motion to donate $500 to the food shelf, Supervisor Demeules Seconded, and the motion was carried. Chairman Ganz made a motion to stay with the Patriot as the town's official newspaper for news and Sherburne State Bank as our official bank Supervisor Demeules
Seconded. Supervisor Demeules reported that Sherburne County is revising its flood plains and shoreland district ordinances. Supervisor Demueles will be sending comments on behalf of the Township Clerk Amy Bragelman will put the proposed ordinance changes on the website for residents to look at.
Supervisor Demeules made a motion to approve claims #24071- #24089, plus Conexus, and a payroll total of 31,513.86 Supervisor Wipper second
Chairman Ganz made a motion to adjourn. Supervisor Wipper seconded and the motion was carried. The meeting adjourned at 8:28 p.m.
Amy Bragelman, Palmer Township Clerk Approved as reviewed May 13th, 2024