4523 – 105TH AVENUE is the address of the park
Applications must be submitted to the Town Clerk at least 14 days before the event along with a $75.00 rental fee for residents of Palmer Township or a $125.00 rental fee for non-residents. A $125.00 Damage deposit on a separate check is also required.
Date of the Event:_______________________Type of Event:_____________________
Applicant Information:
Name: ________________________________Date of Application:________________
Address:_______________________________Home Phone:______________________
_______________________________________Work Phone:_____________________
Rental Hours: Start time:____________End Time:_____________ no later than 10 p.m.
Set-up and Clean-up times:__________________________________________________
Alcohol: Will any alcohol be brought to or consumed at the event? _____Yes _____No
IMPORTANT: Alcohol may not be sold or otherwise exchanged for compensation in any way in connection with the use of the Pavilion. If alcohol will be present, the Town may require a licensed law enforcement officer to provide security for the event. The Town will require proof of insurance if alcohol is to be served.
The key is to be picked up at the Town Hall on the Tuesday prior to your event. The Town Hall is open from 8AM-4PM on Tuesday.
Applicant understands and agrees that if its application is approved, applicant is fully responsible for the event and is subject to the terms and conditions of the Park Pavilion Rental Policy.
Applicant’s Signature:_________________________________Date:_______________
All forms/checks should be returned to:
Palmer Township
4180 105th Ave. Clear Lake, MN 55319
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